Trim Selection for Control Valves
Control valves can face many issues while operating under severe service flows, including high-pressure drops, cavitation, noise, vibration, and erosion. These issues can cause damage to the control valve reducing their operating life.
Join this webinar to learn more about the Blakeborough® X-stream™ trim and how it can help improve reliability and extend the operating life of your equipment.
The Blakeborough® X-Stream™ control valve trim combines different velocity control methods to eliminate the root issues control valves face under severe service flows.
Webinar Details
Refined by sophisticated simulation techniques, validated by accurate testing and installations worldwide, the X-Stream™ trim has been battle-tested and has proven its reliability. Specifically designed for severe service applications, the X-stream™ trim combines the effect of three different velocity reduction methods to minimize blockages while still achieving a high capacity. Join this webinar to learn more about the X-Stream™ trim and Blakeborough® control valves.
Thursday, January 26th, 2023
5:00 and 15:00 UTC/GMT (click here to see your local time zone)
Who Should Attend:
EPC Companies, End Users, Engineering and Projects teams working within the Power Generation sectors.
The webinar is free to attend, simply register below.
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Andrea Bellingeri
Global Product Director for Isolation & Control Valves, Trillium Flow Technologies
Andrea has over 22 years of experience in the valve industry, in both Product Management and International Sales positions across a range of industries including power, nuclear, oil & gas, and petrochemicals. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Parma University, Italy.
Adrian Croft
Product Manager, Trillium Flow Technologies
Adrian has worked in the control valve industry for over 45 years. He has been involved in many disciplines, including engineering, applications, service, sales and specifications in a range of industries, including power, nuclear, oil & gas, and petrochemicals.